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With a surface area of 294.82km2, Plitvice Lakes National Park is the largest of Croatia´s eight national parks. Plitvice lakes was proclaimed a National park in 1949, also making it the oldest national park in Croatia. In 1979,Plitvice Lakes National Park was included in the UNESCO list of World Natural Heritages sites.
The park represents a phenomenon of karst hydrography. The lakes are known for their cascades and the ongoing biodynamic process of tufa formation under specific ecological and hydrological conditions. Tufa or travertine is a porous carbonate rock formed by the sedimentation of calcium carbonate from water. It builds barriers, sills and other forms in karst rivers and streams.Over time, the water changes its cours, leaving some barriers dry but stimulating tuf growth in other places. This phenomenon creates the feeling that the Plitvice Lakes are never the same from one day to the next.
One of the first researchers of this natural phenomenon was Academic Ivo Pevalek. In 1937,he said: "There are water, lakes,waterfalls and forest elswehere,but Plitvice Lakes are unique!"
Possible activities in the park include: walking,trekking, electical boat and train.
Detaljnije pretraživanje
Cjelodnevni izlet u nacionalni park Plitvička jezera, jednim od najljepših evropskih nacionalnih parkova uvrštenih u UNESCO-vu listu svjetske baštine 1979. ...
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Erleben Sie Adrenalin und Natur pur beim Rafting auf dem Fluss Kupa nördlich vom Nationalpark Risnjak. Infos zum Angebot von Groski Tok bei Brod na Kupi. ...
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